I don’t like titling my posts and I never put a subject for my emails either

Today Lauren and I walked home from preschool. It’s kind of a long walk for her (I totally baby her still and she is usually in a stroller!) so after a little while I asked if she was tired yet. She said “my legs are tired, but my mouth isn’t.” I laughed at how true that ALWAYS is for her. She talks and talks and talks…don’t know where she gets that from!

Lauren's first day of preschool

In other news, our basement is seriously almost done. Jess doesn’t have much time these days to do much, so my dad and brother came over last weekend while Jess was out of town and finished the bathroom. We finally have two bathrooms in our house and it’s awesome! There are a few little things that need to be finished but nothing urgent! We love it!

10 thoughts on “I don’t like titling my posts and I never put a subject for my emails either

  1. Has it seriously been since feb since I have seen you?!?!?! We just got carpet in our basement on Monday and it is so close to being done- minor details now! Can’t wait! How are you doing? We should try and get together next week if that works for you 🙂 XOXO

  2. Wow – what a little beauty. I love that pose, too. How was it being alone for a couple of hours without any kiddos? Enjoy for the next month. 🙂
    I’m excited that you got your bathroom finished. Give me a date and I’ll be up there to help paint the baby’s room. (Seriously.)

  3. I see she’s got the hip thing down! She and Sarah would make quite a pair with that cute pose! She’s too cute.

    I’m glad the basement is nearly done, and that stress will be gone. Just in time for baby! Can’t wait to see pics of the finished product!

  4. Just adorable! I still can’t get over that hair. Are you using horse hair shampoo or something? And she’s a little socialite- love it!

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